Montag, 23. Januar 2012

Blackstar Complete Series DVD Review

Website - MY ALBUM, "Empire Building" - http (also available on amazon and iTunes!) Twitter - Audio Blog - Friday Night Chatroom - http Well, it seems YouTube is okay with me leaving this up, as long as I don't "monetize" it. So here's the Blackstar review, folks, back intact. But needless to say, this will be the last review video that uses clips. The last thing I want is to get shut down for being too thorough in my reviews. :P But rest assured, I WILL continue doing DVD reviews, and I will continue to cover each title with as much depth as I have in the past. Just without clips. Maybe some stills (pretty sure they're okay), but that's it. Anyhoo, enjoy the review! In many ways, Blackstar was the pre-cursor to He-Man and the Masters of the Universe. An under appreciated little gem from Filmation, I've always actually preferred Blackstar over He-Man. The complete series was recently released on DVD by BCI Eclipse, and for such an obscure series that few people know about, they really gave it the royal treatment! Let's take a closer look, shall we? Alas, since Geocities shut down, the Blackstar website I talk about in the video is no longer available. Which sucks. It was hilarious to read as a companion to/parody of the show.

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